The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
has launched a new incentive scheme called the
Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement
Programme (MCEP). The objective of the incentive
is to promote enterprise
competitiveness and job retention.
If your Manufacturing company is planning to invest in
the following expansion activities i.e New Plant and
building improvements, as well as tooling, you may
very well qualify for this exciting grant.
You could recieve a non repayable grant rebate of up
to 50% of your capital investment.

*The MCEP is available to South African-registered
entities engaged in manufacturing.
*Only Existing Entities may apply, with a financial record
of at least one (1) year.
*The Entity must be a taxpayer in good standing (valid
Tax Clearance Certificate).
*Applicants must achieve at least level four B-BBBE
codes of good practice.
*South African registered companies
(including co-operatives) engaged in manufacturing
(SIC 3), engineering services that support manufacturing
and comformity assessment agencies (SIC 88220)
servicing the manufacturing sector.

A cash grant which is calculated as a percentage
of the average Manufacturing Value Addition /
MVA (Sales less Material Input Costs). The average
is calculculated over a two year period and based
on audited or independently reviewed accounts
not older than 18 months. The grant is limited to
between 10% and 25% of the MVA (Total company
size dependant - Total Assets per the Balance Sheet).

Total Assets less than R 5m
-MVA not applicable - 50% cost sharing on
Capital expenditure
Total Assets of R5m but less than R 30m
- 25% of MVA
Total Assets of R30m but less than R 200m
- 20% of MVA
Total Assets of R200m or more - 10% of MVA

Submit an e-application (no manual application) at lease
60 days prior to start of commercial production or
undertaking business development activities applied for.
Capital Investment Grant
* Equipment upgrading and expansions, includes:
new machinery and equipment, building
improvements and extensions to existing buildings
* Forklifts
* Tools, Jigs & Dies
(Maximum CAP 5million - 30million)
Green Technology Upgrading
* Cleaner Production technology (air compressing,
pumping and steam systems, building improvements
e.g lighting efficienty)
* Waste management (Technology for recycling,
re-use of waste and recovery from waste or other
beneficial use of waste)
* Energy efficiency (new improved processes, solar
panels, pumps, motors, building improvements)
* Water usage (improvement technology, industrial
water and waste water treatment )
* Localization of renewable energy products
* Private laboratories(setting up, installing and
upgrading laboratory equipment)
(Maximum CAP 5million - 20million)
Enterprise Level Competitiveness
Improvement Grant
To achieve accreditation of conformity and
quality standards.
e.g. ISO, CE mark
* Process improvements
* Product Improvements
* Logistic Improvements
* Skills Development
(Maximum CAP 2million - 10million)
Bonus Grant - 10%
* May be available to applicants whose historical
asset cost exceeds R5 million.
Procurement Requirements
* Procure at least 50% of the total project budget in
machinery, equipment and tooling manufactured in
South Africa.
Required Documentation
1. Copy of Company Registration
2. Copy of shareholding Certificates
3. Copy of ID's of Members/Shareholders and Directors
4. Documentation proving compliances with BB BEE Code
of Good Conducts
5. Valid Tax Clearance Certificates
6. Audited Annual Financial Statements for the last 3 years
7. Comfirmation of employment of current number of